Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I'm lazy. You're pissed.

Sorry again for the lack of updates. I have a good explanation


Alright, I don't.

I'm like a sixth-grader standing awkwardly in front of his teacher trying frantically to come up with an acceptable reason for not doing homework, and not having one (been there 97293874 times). I'm just a lazy fuck, that about sums it up.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Too Lazy To Edit


I'm lazy. I'm too lazy to make videos now. Lol.
I'll finish off a video when I feel like it, I have a life, I don't edit videos 24 hours a day. So please, shut up about Youtube Poops and just be patient, they'll be released when they're released.

Friday, March 5, 2010

News: I can has reconz


Yes, you know the title. I have the Recon armor permutation, the last armor perm I need til' I get all armor perms in the game. Here comes the Machinima's, bragging, and taunting 10 year olds!
